What Sailor Moon Character Are You

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Come take this quiz to find out your sailor moon character . You can find a lot more new thing about your self or the people you show this video to. All the photos are from google I don't own them.

Thank you for taking the out of your day to come take this quiz I worked very hard make sure to give me a good rating. I hope you enjoy this quiz๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Created by: layla landry
  1. What do you do when your best friends are about to die and you can escape?
  2. What color do you like most color?
  3. Do you play sports?
  4. Mamoru (darien) or seiya.
  5. Pick a number one thru 8.
  6. Are you a potato or a banana?
  7. Crystal or original.
  8. Cat or bat
  9. Dubbed vs subbed.
  10. Love thx

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Quiz topic: What Sailor Moon Character am I
