What's your personality like?

We all have different personalities. Different qualities. Why, you ask? Why. We'll, if we were all the same, it would be pointless living here, really.

What is YOUR personality? Do you play a sport, perhaps? Or maybe you enjoy Charles Dickens. Whatever you like, society will accept that. We are your family.

Created by: Kat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to read?
  2. Do you like to read?
  3. Do you like/play sports?
  4. Favorite Subject?
  5. Are you smart?
  6. What do you wear?
  7. Are you popular?
  8. Do you have friends?
  9. What do you think your gonna get? []DOES NOT EFFECT SCORE[]
  10. Rate how you think this quiz was.

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Quiz topic: What's my personality like?