What's Your Life Motto?

Here is the keyboard: QwertyuioP AsdfghjkL ZxcvbnM!:) Here is the alphabet: AbcD EfG HijK L MnoP QrS TuV W X Y Z. I'm bored. Are you bored? !sdrowkcabsisihT

Thisis backwards! ?derob uoy erA .derob m'I .Z Y X W VuT SrQ PonM L KjiH GfE DcbA :tebahpla eht si ereH ):!MnbvcxZ LkjhgfdsA PoiuytrewQ :draobyek eht si ereH

Created by: ariana1222
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whta do you want the first word to be?
  2. Second?
  3. Third?
  4. Fourth?
  5. Fifth?
  6. Sixth?
  7. Seventh?
  8. Eighth?
  9. Nineth?
  10. Tenth?
  11. Eleventh?

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Quiz topic: What's my Life Motto?