What's your faction?

There are many different kinds of people. People are smart, brave, kind, selfless, and truthful.The factions devide you into these. Smart Brave Kind Selfless Truthful

What are you?Are you smart?Are you brave?Are you kind ?Are you selfless?Are you truthful?What fraction do you belong too? Smart Brave Kind Selfless Truthful

Created by: Catlin hopper
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color would you were for the rest of your life?
  2. If you could devote your life to one of the things below which would it be?
  3. What do you do in your free time?
  4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  5. If you were traveling, would you......
  6. If someone pulls a gun on you and tells you to give the person your wallet would you.......
  7. Do you like___1___ or___2___?
  8. Would you jump on and off a train if it was your only other transportation other than your own feet?
  9. Would you ever only look in the mere for twenty seconds a month?
  10. Choose one

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Quiz topic: What's my faction?