What's you'er favorite band

Many people like different band in this you get to see witch one you'er more like good luck seeing witch one you'er more like I hope you have fun with this

Do you like any of the bands in this well I hope you do you may like the bands in this if not this is just for fun take you're time and good luck with this

Created by: Pielover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite music
  2. What's you're hair color
  3. What's you're eye color
  4. Do you like hats
  5. What cloths do you wear
  6. Do you wear make up {for girl only}
  7. Favorite song
  8. Pie or cake
  9. Like different music than what they do
  10. Youtube or pandora

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