What's ur fox type?

Hello! Thank you to taking my quiz!!! So what's your type of fox? Red, Artic, ember or fennec! We find it! I hope you enjoy my quiz, guys! Oh and sorry for the mistakes but I'm not English...

Oh, and please don't take this quiz seriously! Is just for the fun! So no hateful comments please!! And especially the Therian! Is not a serious quiz, just a funny quiz! So good luck! Comment after! Bye!

Created by: TogaHimikoisme
  1. Hum just I remake the gender question... What's your gender (no effect)?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. You are more...
  4. When you fall in love...
  5. Your realtionship with ur family...
  6. You favorite place is
  7. Ah I've see I've make an mistake! In the answer is not cross fox but ember fox!
  8. We continue! You like...
  9. It's finish! Do you like this quiz, and do you comments this quiz???
  10. Byeeee

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