What punishment do you need?

So have you been naught and deserve a punishment? We’ll find out if you need to be here on this quiz after 10 quick questions and see how servers your punishment is.

You have a couple options of punishments which are: spank, diapers, time out, pass and goody two shoes. Scroll down to start the quiz and find out your fate!

Created by: Unknown
  1. How bad was what you did?
  2. Which punishment do you want least?
  3. Do you think you need a punishment?
  4. How often do you lie?
  5. Last question: Have you apoligesed for what you did?
  6. Who’s punishing you? (No effect nor do the rest of the questions)
  7. Have you had to do a quiz like this before because you’ve been bad?
  8. Age?
  9. Gender
  10. How was this quiz

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Quiz topic: What punishment do I need?

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