What princess are you??

Princesses are the most loyal people and coolest! They are always friendly and well behaved around others! What's a princess? It's you of course cuz every girl is a princess!

Which princess are you like?!?? Are you jasmine , Ariel , Merida , Elsa , Anna , or Rapunzel! I guess we'll never know *sigh* unless you take the test!

Created by: Thankyou1103
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite season?
  2. What is your favorite song?
  3. Favorite animal?
  4. What are you?
  5. What hairstyle will you wear?
  6. Which princess do you want to be!
  7. Does not affect score what's your favorite youtuber
  8. Who do you look like the most
  9. BRAINFART!!!!!!! Does not affect score
  10. Can you plz comment and tell me what you've got does not affect score

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Quiz topic: What princess am I??