What Pokemon EX Are You???

There are many ex cards ... But guess what ... You didn't get the best Pokemon in the world at least you tried you very unlucky nerd / weirdo guy person that you are.

Did YOU get the best Pokemon... Probably not the best Pokemon ex card but you now that you have to stop being a weirdo nerd okay got that not being rude... Kay..

Created by: anthony
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you play pokemon?
  3. How often do you play?
  4. How many pokemons ex do you have?
  5. What kind of brand of shoes do you wear? Doesn't effect.
  6. What do you do if you see someone getting bullied?
  7. What sport do you play?
  8. Favorite animal
  9. Food you like
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Pokemon EX am I??? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Pokemon Quiz category.