what Pokemon character are you?

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welcome to the personality quiz of Pokémon in this quiz you will see if your the following Chespin fenniken Froakie or Pikachu 12 questions you must answer

if you answer all questions I hope you get your favorite Pokémon please enjoy this quiz try my other quizzes as well and I hope you enjoy the other quizzes as well

Created by: pokemonxdj
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your fave type?
  2. if i may ask do you have a crush?
  3. what is your fave Pokémon?
  4. (im running out of ideas) what is your fave color?
  5. An old guy came up and told you that he has this special attack how will you use it?
  6. what stat effect does Pikachu have?
  7. (still running out of ideas) what is your fave transportation?
  8. what is your favorite tv show?
  9. if you were on a journey who would you select as a starter?
  10. who would you choose from your friend's your companion's?

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Quiz topic: What Pokemon character am I?