What Pokemon Are You

If you like pokemon this will be your quiz take it and you will find out what pokemon you are this quiz is from all of the games from the first 1 to omega ruby and alpha sapparier

Just answer this 12 quistions and you will find out what pokemon you are with 10 to 20 mins. mabye if less! Tell your friends about this fun amazing quiz

Created by: Abby
  1. What is your favortive colour?
  2. What is your favortive active game?
  3. Do You Even PLAY Pokemon?
  4. Do You Have Any Pets?
  5. Do You Watch TV
  6. Do You Play Video Games
  7. Coke Or Pepsie
  8. Why Are You Taking This Quiz?
  9. Your Almost Done
  10. This is the last one

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Quiz topic: What Pokemon am I