What pet do you want?

This quiz will help you know if you are a dog person cat person etc. etc. so you should take this quiz and then you should ask your parents or get yourself to the pet store and buy Your dream pet!

Dog cat snake funny bird etc. you can’t decide then take this quiz this quiz should help you but remember this is only an a fun educational guess so it’s a pet doesn’t work out get what you think you should get

Created by: Lizzie
  1. Do you like to eat a lot?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What animal do you like
  4. Do you like to explore
  5. Would you like to know how to fly?
  6. Are you calm or energetic
  7. Do you like to relax?
  8. Do you live in a dangerous city or neighborhood?
  9. Are you cheery?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What pet do I want?
