what part of the wolf pack are you? i'm alpha.

hellooooo!!! not much for this quiz and sooooooooooooooooooo yeah... really i'm just new too this quiz website hope you enjoy have fun................

i'm a alpha wolf and i don't really have friends sooo if you will tell me what rank you are what color wolf you are and your wolf name you can join my pack whenever you want

Created by: Aarmau4life
  1. if you we're lost what would you do
  2. if you found a wolf pup that was hurt what would you do
  3. Sorry if it was too short but did you like the quiz and it's my first one so please forgive me if you didn't like it
  4. These next 8 questions are not related to the quiz but it will affect your score don't ask me why I lost motivation
  5. have you ever had coffee?
  6. have you tried cheesecake?
  7. do you like brussel sprouts
  8. have you watched miraculous ladybug?
  9. Have you seen the movie Z-o-m-b-i-e-s??
  10. are you home schooled?
  11. do you have a pet?

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Quiz topic: What part of the wolf pack am I? i'm alpha.
