What Pals Member Are You?

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In this quiz you will see what pal me, bed you actually are this quiz will ask you 10 questions at the end you will be told which pal member you truly are.

Please share Thisbe quiz with friends maybe you could test it with a really good friend of yours and see if you get it the same please enjoy this was so fun to make.

Created by: Neve
  1. How old are you
  2. What’s your fav animal?
  3. Do you know the pals?
  4. Who’s your fav pal member?
  5. Who is ethan
  6. Who’s the most popular?
  7. Do you play Roblox?
  8. Do you play Minecraft?
  9. What is your gender?
  10. Who are Denis’s roomates?

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Quiz topic: What Pals Member am I?
