What of my oc of worrior cats are you (only three)

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I made ocs I want to see which one you are I didn't have a lot of time this is my first one I could only do three so sorry if it's bad very sorry :[ :(

So hopefully you like it it took and hour it's my favorite ocs so hope you like them only had time to do three sorry :^ :>;< ;| I tryed so pls don't hate on it

Created by: RandomSTANGERwcFAN
  1. What s your favorite pelt color
  2. Do you want to be blind or what eye color
  3. Are you calm playful childish or motherly/fatherly
  4. Do you like Autumn if not what do you like
  5. What's your favorite worrior cat
  6. Do you like cats
  7. Do you like worrior cats
  8. What color you like
  9. Do you like this quiz
  10. Do you want another one

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Quiz topic: What of my oc of worrior cats am I (only three)
