What Northern Irish political party are you?

This quiz tells you which Northern Irish political party you are most similar to, based on your response to 10 questions. Are you a Shinner, ultra prod or just for the love of God want to focus on other issues?... Find out here!

The 10 questions cover areas such as the constitutional question, taxes, education, abortion, transport, LGBT rights, the environment and healthcare. This quiz was made in a brief amount of time so will not be 100% indicative of your political affiliation nor will it be 100% perfect.

Created by: Luke
  1. Do you support Northern Ireland remaining part of the UK?
  2. Do you support the DUP's withdrawal from power-sharing at Stormont due to the NI Protocol and Windsor Framework!?
  3. Should the NI Corporation Tax rate be lowered?
  4. Should there be a cap on school uniform charges?
  5. Do you support women having access to abortion services in NI?
  6. Should the recommendations of the rail review be put into place?
  7. Do you support gay marriage?
  8. Was Simon Byrne right to resign as Chief Constable of the PSNI?
  9. Do you support the provisions of the Climate Change Act?
  10. Should the Health and Social Care Service be privatised?

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Quiz topic: What Northern Irish political party am I?
