What Ninja Turtle Are You?

What Ninja Turtle are you? Booboo is a little boy who took this quiz and he found out that he was a ninja golden doodle named Brie. Do you have what it takes to run with the turtles, or roll with Booboo?

Are you a rad bad turtle lad, or just a furball baby booboo boy, who wished that Splinter was his dad. Take the epic quiz and find out! Please take my quiz.

Created by: Bunjamun
  1. What's your favorite food?
  2. What is your weapon of choice?
  3. What's your favorite hobby?
  4. Are you a team player? Or are you a lone wolf?
  5. Do you sneak in the shadows? Or do you fight out in the open?
  6. How would you describe your personality?
  7. Surfing through the sewers? Or running on the rooftops?
  8. What would be your dream job?
  9. Favorite color
  10. Favorite boardgame.

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Quiz topic: What Ninja Turtle am I?
