what neon color are you??!!

hey! you will love this quiz it can help out a lot. take this and it will change your life forever. thanx you will love it!! $$$$$$$$ could be in your future and love and anything else that mabey you might want to consider. you never no your future could be right around the corner.

hey!!## you will love this quiz because it has a lot you can learn even when your not in school so take this quiz and school will be a smooth road to collage. well if you wait mabey all of your knowledge will be gone so don't wait.

Created by: Dare
  1. what is your fave color?
  2. what is your fave song?
  3. what is you fave number?
  4. on Halloween what are you most likly to dress up as?
  5. have you had many relation ships in the past month?
  6. where do you want to live?
  7. if you had a car what air freshener would you get?
  8. do you like new car smell?
  9. do you have a bff?
  10. if so what is there fave color?

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Quiz topic: What neon color am I??!!