What mythical creature are you.

This quiz might help you pick a cool mythical beastMight be your favorite but this does not have all the creatures of old time but it has some of the best in my opinion.

Hope you liked it i would love to hear what you got andWhat you think please comment and if there is a optionLike. I hope you had as much fun doing the quiz as I didMaking it. : D

Created by: Knight
  1. There s a fire and your brother is still in the house you run in and try to get him out but you don't know where he isYou look where.(The brother is around five years old)
  2. Theres a strange sound you...
  3. There s a creepy house you think someone is watching youYou know you should walk away but you feel you should go inside you...
  4. You were told to go outside but you don't want to you...
  5. Whats your favorite time of day
  6. What your favorite color(s)
  7. Simple question do you like to eat meat or veggiesor both.
  8. What clothes do you prefer?.
  9. How much do you like this quiz
  10. Alright last question (gasp) where any of these to hardTo answere.

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Quiz topic: What mythical creature am I.
