What Mythical Bird Are You?

Mythical birds are in many cultures around the world... But did you know they get as hyper as me??? The best ones are in this quiz. The birds are waiting for you!

Are you a mythical bird? Are you from the gryff planet of cheese? What do you think of the hyperest hippogriffs quiz??? FIND OUT NOW !!! SUPERFUDGEMONKEYS!!!

Created by: Hypergriff
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Superfudgemonkeys!!!
  2. Join me on my epic quest to fight spaghetti monsters!!!
  3. What is your element?
  4. Mommy... My train just Swam in the piano.
  5. If someone has a pie fight with you, what do you do???
  6. If humans are coming after you, why?
  7. How would you die if you absolutely had to?
  8. What traits describe you???
  9. Are you considered annoying?
  10. Dsfugxb rooplexi spaankinopy gryffvi.

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Quiz topic: What Mythical Bird am I?