what mermaid would you be

thank you for taking ths quiz i just did it so you could get a little of what it's caricitors are like you see i'm going to go work on my script now peace

have you ever wondered what kind of mermaid you are are you shy are you bold a princess a mean sister well if you wanted to just take this quiz and in just a few questions you will find out

Created by: megan bretbrunner of nothingisnormalsaga.weebly.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. so your at home and you have nothin to what would you do
  2. so your at a party and you get wet what do you do
  3. so if you could have anything in the world what would it be
  4. whats your fav food
  5. what would your outfit be like
  6. what would you you do if your fish died
  7. do you like pie
  8. do you like sea glass
  9. do you like shrimp
  10. what would you do if your top falls off
  11. what color is your hair

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