What mario character are you?

Erm.......i just want to say that i will take hate comments.Im efinetly open to new ideas.Im sorry if you don't like the result you get.But add comments,rate,and all that stuff.

If i offend anybody with the result captions don't kill me.....please.If you give me advice for my next quiz it'll be there.......sooner or later.But comment because it makes me happy. :3

Created by: knucklesthegreat

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favorite color?
  2. What do you do for fun?
  3. Are you evil?
  4. Are you good?
  5. Do you like like to wear hats?
  6. What color is your hair?
  7. These next questions dont count,OK?
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  9. Is this boring to you?
  10. Are you mad the quiz is over?

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Quiz topic: What mario character am I?