what mario character are you?

being what ever mario character you end up with in this quiz even though that it might not even be true it is just a fun quiz for someone to take and go like ha! i cant belive i am him\her

so what mario character are you? take the quiz and find out!!!!!!!!!

Created by: colby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. witch do you like to do best
  3. what is your favorite badguy
  4. If you were mario luigi toad or peach who would you want to have as your best friend?
  5. if you picked umm... simthing else witch of these would you pick?
  6. how smart do you think you are?
  7. how would you want your age to be right now?
  8. do you like video games?
  9. would you go on a long adventure that was about a month long?
  10. And now for the last question what to you also like

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Quiz topic: What mario character am I?