what kinda guy should you go for

i know that there are a lot of these quizes but mine dont really match the title all that well because im stipid and wasnt thinking about it and was just going with it

i dont know what else to say about this quiz but it is my first time and i kinda want to do another but i dont really know because this one turned out to be a disater

Created by: sarah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what kinda date would you want for the first date
  2. what does he think of you
  3. what is your hair color
  4. what kinda guy do you like
  5. what is your outfit
  6. what shoes
  7. what music do you listen to
  8. witch would you perfer
  9. another witch would you perfer (wont effect your score or anything nethier does number 10)
  10. (dont effect score) witch word is spelled right
  11. (dont effect score) witch word is spelled right

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Quiz topic: What kinda guy should I go for