What Kind Of Song Are You Like?

If you love music this quiz is for you. It tells you what chart topping artist you are most like. Are you fun and flirty, crazy and Spontaneous, or maybe strong and independent take the quiz to find out.

This is how you really are are you boring, flirty, dirty, or in love. This quiz cab tell you what you are like. You could be young and fun like Taylor swift or strong and experienced like Eminem.

Created by: Cam

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite activity?
  2. What is your favorite place to be?
  3. Favorite color
  4. How many boy/girl friends have you had?
  5. Have you had your heart broken?
  6. Favorite natural element.
  7. What were you in highschool?
  8. Fav song
  9. Favorite animal.
  10. Kind of movie
  11. Sex life

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Song am I Like?