What kind of person are you?

In this quiz, I will tell you what type of person you are based on your answers. The results are based on the personalities of the people around me, mainly my friends and family.

I made this quiz for fun one day one day when I had nothing to do. Don't mind this I'm filling in the space so I can be done and this is getting boring.

Created by: Susan Thompson
  1. Your boss tells you that you forgot to do something. Do you:
  2. What do you use the most?
  3. What do people say most often about you?
  4. Do people say you're nice?
  5. How busy are you?
  6. Do you like to stare at yourself in the mirror?
  7. Where do you want to live?
  8. Do you want to be famous?
  9. Do you want to live alone?
  10. Do you like to hide in a corner and watch people?

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?
