what kind of person are you

there are lots of people in the world who dont know if there a jock, bully, or going to be a millonaire in the future maybe you are a geek.just be ohonest and you will get what you really are

are you a BULLY. are you a JOCK or a MILLIONAIRE.or are you a geek. what ever you are you can change your anwser after you take the quiz. have lots of fun taking this quiz.

Created by: who cares

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you do if you were robbed
  2. if some one called you stupid what would you do
  3. what do you like to do
  4. what kind of movie rating do you like
  5. math question If you're driving a bus to town? At the 1st stop 10 people get on. On the 2nd stop four people got on and three people got off. so what color eyes does the bus driver have?
  6. what do you think you are?
  7. math question if flying an air plane.you fly from new york to california and one stop at arkansas. at new york 120 people get on. at arkansas 85 people get on and 70 people got off. at california everyone on the plane got off.so what color skin does the air plane driver have?
  8. what type of movie do you like cartoon movie or real people movie?
  9. what type of stuff do you like to do
  10. if the only way you can get into the most poular party in your shcool was for you to make a fake id and buy beer

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I