What kind of japanese music should you listen to?

What the title says, i was bored and wanted to post something so: here have this quiz. Trying to reach the character limit. Cejbfkwnnvjenefkenfamxkneo

Why the stupid character limit! ejfwoqlndjjekwcjnekaoejkqdpuejncvhenqmslkcneqqkjchwnnfofkqnfhwfnjskenvnjjwofkwnwjfnsnfniiqnfjqinfjwkjfiwkiqfkwjfnrbdjid

Created by: DiauraYoka
  1. Are you ok with it being about bad things?
  2. Do you want to turn the volume of it up without people that know looking at you weird ?
  3. Do you want to be able to listen to it while, idk maybe studying?
  4. Which theme do you like more?
  5. Loud lyrics?
  6. Do you want to dance to it?
  7. Fast lyrics?
  8. I'm running out of questions
  9. I have one more: easy to sing along to?
  10. ...

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Quiz topic: What kind of japanese music should I listen to?

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