What kind of horse breed are you

A horse has different colors just as humans do...... horses love to show their true colors in the arena or in the pasture.......you are very nice.....

This is a test of you are inside.... and what kind of a horse breed you would most be matched up with.... this can help you to find the right horse for you...

Created by: Ely
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you where at the mall.... what would you be most interested in?
  2. When you go home.... what are you most likely to do.
  3. You see a young kid getting bullied... what do YOU do?
  4. What sport do you play?
  5. my favorite food is.....
  6. I am most likely to be seen at....
  7. My hair color is....
  8. I am obcessed with....
  9. this quizz is.....
  10. If someone kept on calling you are "jerk" what would YOU do?

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Quiz topic: What kind of horse breed am I