What kind of gamer are yoy

What type of gamer are you?This quiz well ask a series of seriouse questions on how you play stuff.The results may blow you rbrains on the floor!!!!!!

Do you know what type of gamer you are well in the next few minutes you will.be prepared for the personaliest,mind blowiest questions someon has eber asked you!!

Created by: Issac
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like fps(first person shooters)
  2. Do you like minectaft?
  3. How do you play
  4. What gaming source
  5. Why do you play
  6. How long do you play
  7. Guns or Swords/knifes
  8. Mt.dew or dr pepper
  9. Bright screen or dark screen
  10. Day or knight

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