What Kind of Friend Are You?

There are many types of people in this world some being bullies, preps, and some being ur best friend. Don't ever let a small thing break up a friendship it is to valuable to let go.

Are you the friend you say you are? This quiz was made to ask a series of questions to see how good of a friend u actually are. This quiz will tell u the type of friend u really are!

Created by: Alicia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. R U afraid to express ur feeling to ur friends?
  2. Do u go to the same school or live near ur friend?
  3. Do u talk to ur friends every day u get a chance?
  4. Do u comfort ur friends in their time of need?
  5. R U scared to talk to ur friends about ur problems?
  6. Would u rather talk to ur friends or boyfriend/girlfriend in time of pain?
  7. Do u play pranks on ur friends or talk about them behind their backs?
  8. R u considered a trust worthy friend?
  9. Do u prank call ur friends?
  10. Did U answer every single one of these questions truthfully?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Friend am I?