What kind of Draft horse are you?

Ever wondered what its like to be a draft horse? if you were one, what would you be? would you be a big, strong clydesdale? or a nice playful Shire?

what DRAFT are YOU? Do you have the beauty to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: ClydesdaleWolf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see your owners mule collapse, and he's coming towards you with both bit and briddle. You...
  2. Your Mother finaly licks all that gooey stuff off you. you try to stand up but your wobbly legs wont move, You..
  3. You see a bunch of wavy suff you eat it...
  4. You see a man beating your mother you...
  5. Its show time! you...
  6. What do you think about this quiz?
  7. Only four more questions to go!
  8. Your father is loaded into a trailer, to go to a slaughter house you...
  9. What draft horse do you like?
  10. All done!

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Quiz topic: What kind of Draft horse am I?