What Kind Of Cookie Are You?

Just like people, there are various and different kinds of cookies throughout the world. Oatmeal, Chocolate, Oreo,'the list could go on and on.

This may seem like a silly subject, but did you ever stop and wonder what kind of cookie you would be? Sweet? Salty? In this quiz, that uncommon question will be answered, and you will find out...

Created by: Venessa Hallas
  1. It's Saturday night and you're in your bedroom looking for something to do. Therefore you...
  2. You see your favorite sport is open for tryouts and you really want to join. So you...
  3. You see a nice group of people at the lunch table. You go over and you...
  4. Your cousins are throwing a girls night and invite you to come. To respond, you say...
  5. They're throwing a secret Santa at your school and at the end, you reveal who you are. You...
  6. You come home to your baby brother crying. What do you do?
  7. You're favorite hobby is..
  8. What would you like to be when you grow up?
  9. If you could have one wish, what would it be?
  10. How would You describe yourself?

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Cookie am I?