What Junimo Color are You?

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Like the title states, this quiz will find out which junimo color you are. Most of this info isn't cannon for Stardew Valley and just for fun. This quiz doesn't spoil Stardew Valley. Hope you like it!

Ok so I'm supposed to fill this in with stuff and I have no more to put. So umm just take the quiz now!

Created by: ?????
  1. Your home was destroyed by a big company. What do you do?
  2. Out off these, which is your favorite gem/metal?
  3. If you like boys, which of these would you marry? (If you don't like boys then press skip)
  4. If you like girls, which of these would you marry? (if you don't like girls then press skip) You can google them if you like (don't forget to put Stardew Valley so you don't get weird things)
  5. For some reason, did you skip both last questions?
  6. Square root of 36?
  7. Finish the lyrics. Wake me up...
  8. How many races have you won in your life?
  9. Final question! 1+1?
  10. Are you allergic to any foods?

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Quiz topic: What Junimo Color am I?
