What job should u get when u grow up

Take this quiz to see what kind of job u should get! It's fun and it may not be exact but I tried to get pretty close. Please be honest and remember it's all for fun.

Good luck on finding what job u should get. I encourage u all to follow ur dreams no matter what and do what u love. Love u all and I hope u enjoy the quiz.

Created by: Vthom
  1. What do u want to be when u grow up?
  2. What do u do in ur free time?
  3. What kind if books do u read
  4. What camp sounds most fun to u
  5. What is ur fashion style
  6. How is my quiz so far (this doesn't count)
  7. How does ur room look
  8. When do ur friends need u most
  9. R u loud or quiet
  10. Did u tell the truth?

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