What is your warrior cat name

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In this quiz you will answer some questions to see what your warrior name is and your back story hope you enjoy 😊 plz enjoy have fun….!! Comment your name if you can

In this quiz you will be asked eleven questions 🎉😆 I love the warrior cats books there so good I made this quiz cuz why not it is fun hope you like the names I came up with

Created by: Hanna Jonson
  1. Would you kill for revenge
  2. Favorite cat pelt out of these cuz I know there are more then these
  3. What battle move would you use to kill an enemy
  4. Would you train in the dark forest
  5. Do you have a cat
  6. What is your favorite color out of these
  7. Would you rather have a cat Or a dog
  8. Are you a Tom of r she cat
  9. Would you have a mate and not kits or a mate and kits or no mate or kits
  10. Are you a morning person
  11. And last what is you favorite Super edition warriors book out of these

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Quiz topic: What is my warrior cat name
