what is your true age?

ages can range from -9999999 to 999999 , but instead of doing that, I just chose several age groups kids probably got kids if you are a nerd, please don't get mad at me for clowning you like that.

what is YOUR age group you ask? Well simply take part in this quiz. please be honest and take it seriously.but it's just for fun I can't wait to see the results!

Created by: Kingston
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are you eating for dinner tonight?
  2. what is your hobbiy?
  3. what kinda people do you hang with ?
  4. bedtime?
  5. what TV shows do you watch
  6. do you know how babies are made?
  7. what do you call your mom?
  8. what do you call your dad?
  9. how do you feel about politics?
  10. what is love?

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Quiz topic: What is my true age?