What is your personality?

Everyone has a set of mind and skills. Everyone has a unique trait that makes them stand out from anybody. Take this quiz and find out your personality.

Do you ever wonder what your personality is? Perhaps what others think? Take this quiz to find out. It wouldn't kill you. Please rate and comment, this test is pretty dumb..I was bored .

Created by: Devanaye Kelley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A person you dont like comes up to you and wants to be friends you...
  2. Its your birthday and your friend is trying to make it all about herself you...
  3. Your mom is having a rough day and yells in your face, you....
  4. Your friend is having a very sad time so you...
  5. Your teacher is having a hard time setting up something so you....
  6. Your friend's are all smoking. They try to get you to do it...you...
  7. Your ltitle sister is refusing to listen to what you tell her..your getting fed up so you...
  8. The love of your life has just died in a tragic car accident...you..
  9. You find out your 13 year old classmate is pregnant...
  10. Your boyfriend/girlfriend forgets your anniversary....

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Quiz topic: What is my personality?