what is your personal drink

Most people wonder what should I drink today? Well there is pepsi they say,or Dr.pepper, and coffee. .Well in this quiz it can tell you, so you don't have to tell yourself.

YOU may pick pepsi then wonder if it suits your felling today. Well in this quiz YOU can figure out. In only 5 or less minutes YOU can find out witch drink out of pepsi,Dr.pepper, or coffee is your personal drink.

Created by: bri
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. What is your fav color?
  3. What is your grade average?
  4. What color are your eyes?
  5. Do you have any siblings?
  6. What is your fav food?
  7. What color is your hair?
  8. How would you spend your time?
  9. What is your fav animal?
  10. What is your fav holiday?

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Quiz topic: What is my personal drink