What is your perfect day date?

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If you wanna know what to do on your perfect date take this quiz! Gives you fun options and great results! :) hopefully you and your lover can hit it off with this one

This is my first time making a quiz, sorry it didn't come out the way I expected it to :) hopefully the results you get match what you put it haha lol:)

Created by: Marisol
  1. When you run into your crush, it is most likely at which event?
  2. Which of the following dates seems most appealing to you?
  3. Which dream job do you most likely see your crush being?
  4. You like boys who can keep up with your:
  5. You and your BFF are grabbing a bite to eat. Where do you want to go?
  6. Does he know you like him?
  7. What hobbies does he like to do?
  8. Do your like him?
  9. Have you guys hung out, or maybe just kinda chill with him at school?
  10. Do you trust him?
  11. Ready to here your answer? :)

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Quiz topic: What is my perfect day date?