What Is Your Patronus?

Harry Potter fans should try this quiz. What is their Patronus? Are they brave, cunning or clever? Does their heart rule over their head or does their head take control?

So what Patronus have you got? Are you strong, but sensitive? Are you gentle, yet powerful? Are you loyal to your friends, or are you stronger than anything?

Created by: passion4horses
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You and your two friends are cornered by Lord Voldemort himself. Do you...
  2. You are in a Quidditch Match, when Ron drops the ball for the sixth time in the game. Do you...
  3. If you could be one of the characters, would you be...
  4. In your Care Of Magical Creatures lesson, Hagrid is teaching you about Buckbeak. Do you...
  5. You are getting your first wand. You have been presented with five different wands. You choose..
  6. Fred and George want to show you a new passageway out of the school. Do you...
  7. You have been asked whether you would like to become a school prefect. You reply...
  8. Quidditch practice. Ron plays really terribly at practice and is afraid he'll get kicked off the team. You say....
  9. You are now allowed to keep magical creatures at Hogwarts in the school grounds. You have...
  10. Sirius Black is on the loose around the area. Do you....
  11. Who is your favourite professor?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Patronus? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Patronus Quiz category.