what is your inner pokemon

Created by: shianne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. If someone was planing to build a new mall and they hand you a survey about what store to put in the mall, which store would you choose?
  3. What is your favorite tv show?
  4. What is your favorite breed of dog?
  5. What is your favorite element?
  6. What type of move do you go see at the theatre?
  7. You see a lady sitting on the ground crying what do you do?
  8. You're walking in a graveyard at night and you thank you see something. What was it?
  9. You decide to get a new pet what is it?
  10. Someone offers you a pie what do you do?
  11. Do you like Harry Potter?

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Quiz topic: What is my inner pokemon