What is your House at Hogwarts?

I made this quiz, because i cannot find a proper quiz that is accurate. This quiz is what is your personality and how you act towards yourself, property, and other people.

I found that this quiz is accurate, and the goes of your personality, not which house is your favorite..........................................ENJOY!

Created by: BB8
  1. If you saw a wallet on the ground, with no one around, and it had no identification...
  2. You see an a girl tied to a burning house, about to burn...
  3. Do you read novels?
  4. How do you act at work/school?
  5. How do you feel towards other races? (I.E are you racist?)
  6. What is your favorite subject out of these?
  7. Which of these colors appeal to you?
  8. Did you drop out of school...or are you planning to.
  9. What appeals to you in life out of the following
  10. Animal?

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Quiz topic: What is my House at Hogwarts?