What is your hidden self? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your hidden self?

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  • Naomi / JJ

    You are a very kind sweet person but you tend to panic alot. You feel you have to plan everything and think very far ahead at times. You love animals but you hate neds/chavs/preps. You may play a musical insrument or have a very keen interest in music in genral. You may be called an emo. You like bands like Papa Roach, My Chemical Romance and Paramore. If you are a girl your inner self has blonde hair, blue eyes, braces or glasses or contact lenses and if you are a boy black curly hair and deep brown chocolate eyes.

    omg the quiz is dead on! oh and im a girl not a boy and the discription at the end was righ im blond with blue eyes and contacts thats scary! love the quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^ .^


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