What is Your Hidden Power

this is a quiz it has and knows your very own very special hidden power trust me this quiz knows comment and tell me if it worked i will make another one.

this quiz knows for sure and no worries with all my heip this quiz is sure not to let you down are you ready to take it and find out your speecial power ???

Created by: surrender45
  1. if you could have a special power which will it be ?
  2. do you usaully knock attention out of the new cutie at school ?
  3. Pick a Movie...
  4. how whould you like it if you had a Hipnotized Slave ?
  5. what colour are your eyes?
  6. what IS your favourite colour ?
  7. fate(:!!!)
  8. are you a rolmodel of someone?
  9. some more fate !)
  10. ARE YOU READY ....

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Quiz topic: What is my Hidden Power