What is your hearts desire

Your hearts desire is basically what your looking for in life. I often wonder at the meaning of my life like so many of us.It is not often knowen what the meaning of life is and i really don't cliam to know.

Are you looking for love or a laugh? Do you want Know? if not it still is not to late to turn back! No i am just messing about you can always leave at any time!

Created by: nicole
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you and a friend see a kid bieng bullyed what do you do
  2. You see some one lieing in the middle of the road you
  3. You see a small child that is lost do you
  4. What is your favaroute film
  5. Who's opinion do you care about most
  6. You see a homeless person on the street you
  7. you find a abandoned dog on the street. you:
  8. your mums in hospital you feel?
  9. You find out that your getting put thorgh a nurseing degree and you would:
  10. You find out that your getting put thorgh a nurseing degree and you would:
  11. You find out that your getting put thorgh a nurseing degree and you would:

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Quiz topic: What is my hearts desire