What is your good trait?

Are you kind, funny, or friendly? Take this quiz to find out! It have only 10 questions, So you will get your results quick. What are you waiting for? Take this quiz if you want! :)

Thanks for clicking on this quiz! On the end of this quiz, you will find out what your good trait is. Are you friendly, funny, or kind? Yep, you will find that out!

Created by: Mouse
  1. Someone looks sad, what would you do?
  2. You are with you friend, what would you do?
  3. Do you tell jokes often?
  4. What do you do in your free time?
  5. How old are you?
  6. Do you like animals?
  7. What would you do, if you could?
  8. Describe yourself
  9. Your favourite movie genre?
  10. How does your friends or family describe you?

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Quiz topic: What is my good trait?
