Looking for a pet? try this quiz first!

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Thinking about adding a special little (or big) someone to your family? Thats great! Take this quiz to find out what pet suits you best. (Although I'm not a professional, I study lots of animals in my free time as much as possible!)

I have gathered as much info as I can and have made a fun little quiz to do if your unsure what kind of animal to get. I made this as quick and easy as possible, but still have pretty accurate results! Well, have fun! ^^

Created by: CKS
  1. How much time can you to sacrifice for a pet?
  2. Whats your budget?
  3. Is there a certain animal your hoping for?
  4. If you had to choose one of these animals, which one would you pick?
  5. How much will you feed your pet?
  6. If you had to pick one personality trait for your pet, what would it be?
  7. How much space do you have?
  8. How much will you take your pet outside?
  9. How much do you work out? Be honest, for the sake of your pet. He won't judge.
  10. Is anyone in your home allergic to pets?
  11. How much grooming will you do?

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