What is your favourite food in McDonalds?

Ever wanted to know what your favourite food in Mcdonalds is? Well, you came to the right quiz! Food is something that is edible and it helps us stay alive! Let's see what's your favourite! In McDonald's!

Food is good! And we're going to find out your favorite in McDonald's! Could it be a burger? Or maybe some nuggets!We are going to see together in this scrumptious quiz!

Created by: Dolphinious
  1. What is your favourite food in McDonald's? (Sorry I forgot to add the ice cream because the machine is always broken.)
  2. Would you go for the drinks or the food?
  3. Are you vegan?
  4. This is my second quiz on gotoquiz.com! The first one sadly failed. Do you like this quiz? (No effect)
  5. What do you feel like doing right now?
  6. Near the end! Are you happy?
  7. Is this quiz making you hungry by any chance?
  8. Let's ask this question one more time! What is your favourite food in McDonalds?
  9. Picture this: You are walking in town and are feeling quite hungry. All of a sudden, you see a McDonalds! You walk in a are going to order something. There's so many choices though! You look around yourself to see what the most popular food in the shop might be that lots of people have got but you still can't decide. What do you pick?
  10. Ready for results?

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Quiz topic: What is my favourite food in McDonalds?
