What is your eye colour and what does it say about you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your eye colour and what does it say about you?

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  • Brown eyes

    You have brown eyes! People with brown eyes are very attractive, adorable and love to make friends. They are known to do anything for that special person. They are often kind and polite. They can make anyone laugh or cheer them up. They are known, sometimes, to care deeply for family and friends

    I have brown eyes but I am not attractive or adorable and i hate making new friends. But I am known to do ANYTHING absolutely anything for a special person and i am sometimes kind/polite. But i can't cheer anyone up i do the opposite actually and I don't care deeply for family

  • I have grey eyes...

  • Green eyes. Wrong, but awesome quiz. I have hazel.

  • i gt brown eyes...& i do hv brown eyes...wat u sed is so true..cool quizz..

  • What is your eye colour and what does it say about you?

    Your Result: Brown eyes

    You have brown eyes! People with brown eyes are very attractive, adorable and love to make friends. They are known to do anything for that special person. They are often kind and polite. They can make anyone laugh or cheer them up. They are known, sometimes, to care deeply for family and friends


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